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Primordial Sound Meditation: Online or In Person
Primordial Sound Meditation: Online or In Person

Private Course: Date and time is TBD


Location is TBD

Primordial Sound Meditation: Online or In Person

Cultivate Grounding, Peace, Calm. If you’re looking for meditation guidance that will set you up for personal growth and a sustainable practice, the Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Course was designed with you in mind.

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Private Course: Date and time is TBD

Location is TBD

About the event

Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Course 

Cultivate Grounding, Peace, Calm

5 session course  

In Person or Online Zoom Course 

To register please call 915-308-0037 

Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation is for you if…

  • You are looking for mental and emotional health and balance
  • You are looking for a practice that helps to increase immunity, improve the mind-body connection, and relieve the body of any stress that impeded its ability to heal.
  • You’ve struggled to cultivate a meditation practice in the past
  • You’re interested in expert guidance from a certified Deepak Chopra and Roger Gabriel practitioner. 
  • You’re looking for a personalized approach to meditation
  • You’re seeking peace, joy, and calm

As part of the course, you’ll also receive your unique primordial sound mantra, based on your birth date, time and location.

Meditation is a direct way to experience inner silence and well-being. As scientific research reveals, when you meditate, your breathing slows, blood pressure decreases, your relationship to pain changes, and stress hormone levels fall.

If you’re looking for meditation guidance that will set you up for personal growth and a sustainable practice, the Chopra Primordial Sound Meditation Course was designed with you in mind.

People tell me:


Trust me, it will. I’ve been studying meditation for my entire life, and this one specifically resonates strongly with everybody I share it with, myself included. It helps you access the inner intelligence within and creates a feeling of deep home.

– Leilainia Marcus, Chopra Certified Meditation and Health Ayurvedic Guide and Wellness Coach.

In this Course You Will Learn: 

  • The Science
  • Philosophy
  •  Principles
  • How to Meditate Effectively 
  • Perfecting Your Practice
  • Higher States of Consciousness

  • You will also learn how your thoughts and emotions create every future moment of your life.
  • How to use meditation to take your life to another level.
  • You will learn how to be aware in each and every moment.

In a Primordial Sound Meditation, your focus is a silent sound called a primordial sound, which is a mantra practice. 

The word mantra means instrument for the mind. “Man” means mind and “tra” means instrument.

All you need to do to sign up is

1. Resolve to do the practice.

2. Decide meditation is the focus of your meditation.

3. Register for the class. 

  Requirements: One course requirement is a commitment to the practice of meditation every day for a minimum of 20 minutes.

​Guided by: Leilainia Marcus


$325.00 / Invite a freind and save -$100 per additonal person

More info : 

What’s the difference between Primordial Sound Meditation and Transcendental Meditation?

There are so many types of mantras and meditations in the world.

  • Transcendental Meditation is a trademark name /  Primordial Sound Meditation is a trademarked name. There are plenty of primordial sounds outside of Primordial Sound Meditation / there are plenty ways to transcend outside of Transcendental Meditation.
  • The Chopra Center and Deepak Chopra revived Primordial Sound Meditation from the Vedas in India / Transcendental Meditation was founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
  • The Primordial Sound Meditation mantras are generated using your time, day, and location of birth and are based on the lunar cycle . They are meant to focus you inward to your source energy /  In Transcendental Meditation they  use a one-or two-syllable word that are based on the seed sounds ( Bijas) of Hindu goddesses.
  • They have different activations inside of you.
  • Duration: The initial Primordial Sound Meditation practice is 30 minutes. / The initial Transcendental Meditation practice is 20 minutes.

Sarah McLean, the founder of the McLean Meditation Institute  wrote this in an article for :

I used to do the intake at the Chopra Center, and I’d ask people the question, “Do you meditate?” Some people would say, “Well, I meditate when I watch TV, I meditate when I’m riding my bike, I meditate when I’m going for a walk, and I meditate when I run.”

Though they might be meditating, it’s not the same the kind of meditation when you’re sitting down with your eyes closed and allowing yourself to go to subtler and subtler levels of the thinking processes so you can ultimately move to the transcendent experience that we were talking about earlier. that transcendent experience where you lose track of time and space, where you lose track of and go beyond your to-do lists and your responsibilities, where you go beyond your idea of who you think you are: mother, teacher, son, father, this, that, or the other thing, those roles you take on, and the numbers and the letters. You go beyond your degrees and your numbers of your blood pressure and the money you have in the bank. You go beyond all of that when you sit in meditation.

And when you use a sound meditation, it helps to interrupt the constant internal dialog that you’re having with yourself. Now, Primordial Sound Meditation is a specific meditation that uses sounds that are based on a particular sound that was evident at the time of your birth.

I’m going to give you some examples of primordial sounds. Probably the first sound you’ve ever heard in your life was your mother’s heartbeat. You also, if you’ve ever been underwater in a pool or a tank or a flotation tank, you can hear your own breath and you can hear your own heartbeat. Those are primordial sounds. Another primordial sound example would be the sound of wind in the pine trees or the sound of rain as it hits the ground, or perhaps it could be the sound of lightning, which we call thunder. Or you could sit by the ocean and just simply listen to the waves as they come in and out and in and out. I like to call it the Om of the ocean.

So primordial sounds are sounds of nature, but what happens when you get your primordial sound if you’re learning to meditate, you go to get your primordial sound, is they will ask you for your birth date and place. What happens then is it goes into a computer, and the computer system at the Chopra Center identifies at that particular time where the placement of the moon was in relationship to where you were born. That placement of the moon indicates, it’s like a bookmark, it indicates a particular sound that was prevalent at the time of your birth.

Now, that sound was probably more like the sound of the wind in the trees or your heartbeat, but what they found is a thousands and thousands of years ago, the ancient Rishis, which means seers, I call them listeners, they would sit with their eyes closed, and they would listen to the changes in the sounds in the environment. And because the Vedas were an oral tradition, they started to put words to the sounds. We might do that when we say, what’s the sound a cat makes? And we would say “meow”, even though that doesn’t sound like a cat necessarily. Or what’s the sound of a car driving down the driveway? “Whoosh!” Maybe. Or the helicopters. “Jjjjjjj” Maybe.

But in primordial sounds these Rishis used to give words to sounds that were changing about three times a day. So your sound, when you were given your primordial sound as a mantra, might have been different than if someone were born in the exact same hospital four or five hours later. So the sound is you silently. It’s a mantra. Now, the mantras in Transcendental Meditation and in Primordial Sound Meditation are not to ever be said out loud after you learn them. So mantras are secretive, yes, but they’re also powerful, because what they do, if you think about the word mantra, vehicle for the mind, it takes you from the level of activity that we’re currently in right now of mental activity of being awake to the more subtle levels and then ultimately to the most subtle level of silence.

It’s not that you have more and more profound thoughts, do you? When you meditate, you might just have the same old thoughts, “What time is it? What’s that noise? I can’t believe there’s another siren.” In my case, it’s “I can’t believe there’s another helicopter, what’s my dog barking at? I forgot to call that guy back. I told him I would.” All that stuff. It’s those mundane thoughts you’re going to have in meditation, but it doesn’t matter, because every time you notice your attention’s drifted away from your mantra, you bring it back again and again and again and again.

I love all meditations. I used to be what you would call a meditation Nazi. I used to think there’s only one way to do it, only one kind of meditator, only one perfect meditator, and anytime anyone would tell me they were doing Vipassana, or mindfulness, or loving kindness or Metta or Tonglen or Insight or any of the meditations, shikantaza, Samatha, Rinzai, any kind, I would say, “No, that’s not the right kind of meditation.” 

So that was where I started. I’ve come to love every kind of meditation and I’ve come to recognize the benefits both physically and mentally and emotionally and spiritually of all meditation, so I’m no longer a meditation Nazi, although I am a meditation-phile. I love meditation, I love everything about it, I love the wisdom behind it, I love the effects of it. If everyone meditated, we would have peace on earth. I know it. That’s what I’m going for. That’s why I teach every day, every single day.   








  • Primordial Sound Meditation

    Primordial Sound Meditation

    From $325.00 to $550.00
    • $325.00
      +$8.13 service fee
    • $550.00
      +$13.75 service fee



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